Rodi Café & Restaurant
#1 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
May be permanently closed
Lindstrom Hotell Restaurant
#2 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
Strandsitjaren Kafê & Restaurant
#3 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
Closed until 5PM
Norsk Villakssenter Restaurant
#4 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
May be permanently closed
Lise Cirotzki Einemo Kvammes Kafe og Pub
#5 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
May be permanently closed
Lærdalsøren Hotell
#6 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
Closed until 3PM
Hnh La Cocina Catering Hans N Hansen Konkursbu
#7 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
Potters Kafe og Konditori
#8 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
Brita Tønjum
#9 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
Kort og Godt Cafè & Butikk! Impexa AS - Pakkemaskiner
#10 of 10 restaurants in Lærdalsøyri
Laksen bakeri & kafé
Closed until 12PM
Kort og Godt
#1 of 17 places to eat in Lærdalsøyri
Closed until 11AM
Fredag & Fretland Bakeri
#9 of 17 places to eat in Lærdalsøyri
May be permanently closed
Rodi Café & Restaurant
#4 of 17 places to eat in Lærdalsøyri
May be permanently closed
Norsk Villakssenter Restaurant
#5 of 17 places to eat in Lærdalsøyri
May be permanently closed
Strandsitjaren Kafê & Restaurant
#7 of 17 places to eat in Lærdalsøyri
Closed until 5PM

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0.2 kmIn radius 0.2 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
0.5 kmIn radius 0.5 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
1 kmIn radius 1 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
50 kmIn radius 50 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
75 kmIn radius 75 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from Lærdalsøyri city center
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