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Menu highlights from Agriturismo Valle Reale

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviews indicate that the price/quality ratio of the restaurant is generally good. Some reviewers mention "excellent dishes at very low costs," "genuine dishes and low price," and "good level and quality" meals. However, there are also negative reviews stating the food quality is at a company canteen level and the service is slow and inadequate.
  • Grilled Meat

    - reviewers praised the restaurant's grilled meat as never disappointing, indicating it's a favorite among patrons.
  • - one reviewer mentioned that the ricotta left an "indelible mark" on their heart, suggesting that this is a standout dish.
  • - the antipasti were described as good and abundant, making them worth trying.
  • Primi and Secondi

    - these dishes were described as of good quality and level, indicating they are well-prepared and satisfying.
  • - the house wine, served in an open green bottle, was specifically mentioned by a customer, suggesting it's a decent choice of beverage.
  • Pandoro with Mandarin Segments

    - this sweet dessert received positive feedback from a user, making it worth a try.

Dishes and drinks in Agriturismo Valle Reale

Restaurant features

friendly staff


pasta duqqa meat antipasto cheese ricotta tagliatelle polenta kacamak ravioli omelettes frittata crostata fish pork sausages prosciutto monkfish hackepeter meze pandoro gnocchi


che cakes