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Menu highlights from Amaterrace Teppanyaki

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as very good, stating that the restaurant is well-priced for a high-end establishment. They also highlight the quality of the ingredients and the satisfaction derived from both the food and the overall dining experience.
  • - the tofu is good and kid-friendly.
  • Sake Mojito

    - this cocktail is so amazing that it's worth a visit just for it.
  • Teppanyaki dishes

    - the food is cooked right in front of you, providing an entertaining experience along with amazing flavors.
  • Vegetables

    - the vegetarian options are highly recommended, particularly the vegetables Tempura with its light and crispy batter.
  • Herb Butter Premium Eye Fillet Beef with Garlic Mushrooms

    - a special set dish that is highly praised, especially when paired with fried rice.
  • - these are all wonderful dishes, with the scallops being soft, the chicken sweet and flavorful, and the beef cubes tender.
  • - these side dishes complement the main meals perfectly.
  • Lunch Set

    - a great option for a daytime visit, with delicious food.