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Menu highlights from Bistrot des légendes Meneham

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as excellent, although some visitors found it a bit expensive. However, the quality of the food and the service are consistently praised.
  • Poultry Maki

    - this dish is highly recommended and received a special mention for its excellence.
  • Fish and Chips

    - the cuisine is simple yet delicious, with the fish and chips being a standout dish. It's also beautifully presented.
  • Kig ar Farz

    - this dish is described as delicious and perfect. It's a traditional Breton stew that was highly praised by multiple visitors.
  • - these are well garnished and of high quality. They're a specialty of the restaurant.
  • Local Oysters

    - the restaurant serves regional oysters, which are highly recommended.
  • - despite some criticism about the batter, the crêpes are considered very good and worth trying.
  • Home Cooking

    - the restaurant offers excellent value for money with its home-cooked meals.