Lesehan Tepi Sawah
#1 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 9PM
Dapoer Boengkoh
#2 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Closed until 1:30PM
Bimantara 99 cafe
#3 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Closed until 12PM
RM. Hidayah Pantura
#4 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 5PM
#5 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 5AM
Warung 88 resto n cafe
#6 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
May be permanently closed
Kedai Gradakan
#7 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Closed until 10AM
Pecel Tanjung
#8 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open now
Marisinggah Catering
#9 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Lesehan Pelangi
#10 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 11PM
Warung Siang Malam
#11 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
RM Leo Jokotole
#12 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Bakso dan Mie Ayam Cak Min Wonogiri
#13 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Gandrung Cafe n Resto
#14 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 11:30PM
Pecel Ponorogo
#15 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 4PM
Bakso Rengganis Besuki
#16 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 9PM
#17 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 11PM
Kedai Hijau Soto dan Lalapan Ayam Kampung
#18 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 9PM
Lesehan Kannala
#19 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Open until 10PM
Besuki Tempo Doeloe Cafe & Resto
#20 of 232 restaurants in Besuki
Closed until 11AM
RM Leo Jokotole
#43 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Tahu Tek Tek Pak Mas
#62 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Closed until 3PM
Hantu Laut Cafe
#69 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Nasi Pecel Koramil Besuki
#55 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open now
C'bezt Friedchicken Besuki
#78 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 10PM
Warung Siang Malam
#41 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Mie Ayam Pak De Sandy
#6 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 4PM
Warung Muslim
#7 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 10PM
Bakso dan Mie Ayam Cak Min Wonogiri
#8 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
#11 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 9:30PM
Warung Restu
#12 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 5PM
Angkringan Seroeji
#13 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Closed until 5PM
Rocket Chicken Besuki
#17 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 10PM
#18 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 12AM
Kedai Gradakan
#22 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Closed until 10AM
Marisinggah Catering
#36 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
86 Sego balap
#49 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Gandrung Cafe n Resto
#52 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 11:30PM
Taman Bunga Besuki
#56 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Closed until 6:45PM
Warung Kawi Anugerah
#63 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 10PM
Bakso Larasati Besuki
#1 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Closed until 10AM
#2 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 11PM
Lesehan Tepi Sawah
#3 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 9PM
Dapoer Boengkoh
#4 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Closed until 1:30PM
Angkringan "Nuansa Kopi"
#5 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 2AM
Mie Ayam Pak De Sandy
#6 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 4PM
Warung Muslim
#7 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 10PM
Bakso dan Mie Ayam Cak Min Wonogiri
#8 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
#9 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Closed until 6PM
Sate Kambing Piramid Besuki
#10 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
#11 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 9:30PM
Warung Restu
#12 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 5PM
Angkringan Seroeji
#13 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Closed until 5PM
Bimantara 99 cafe
#14 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Closed until 12PM
RM. Hidayah Pantura
#15 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 5PM
Depot Bakso Urat H Sugiman Lamin
#16 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 10PM
Rocket Chicken Besuki
#17 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 10PM
#18 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 12AM
#19 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
Open until 5AM
Warung 88 resto n cafe
#20 of 450 places to eat in Besuki
May be permanently closed

Seafood restaurants in Besuki, East Java

Ikan Pepes Spesial Bu Yul
#1 of 2 seafood restaurants in Besuki
2 Ikan Tenggiri
#2 of 2 seafood restaurants in Besuki
Temporarily closed
Warung Muslim
#3 of 2 seafood restaurants in Besuki
Open until 10PM
RM. Hidayah Pantura
#4 of 2 seafood restaurants in Besuki
Open until 5PM
#1 of 6 pubs & bars in Besuki
Caffe Vagan Za
#2 of 6 pubs & bars in Besuki
May be permanently closed
#3 of 6 pubs & bars in Besuki
Temporarily closed
Nasi Goreng Alan
#4 of 6 pubs & bars in Besuki
Closed until 5PM
Jus Buah Alerphok
#5 of 6 pubs & bars in Besuki
Cb.er Coplo
#6 of 6 pubs & bars in Besuki
Seblak Jeletoss
#7 of 6 pubs & bars in Besuki
Closed until 10AM
Ratu Boba
#8 of 6 pubs & bars in Besuki
Cocktail bars
Open until 10PM

Tasty dishes in Besuki

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0.2 kmIn radius 0.2 km from Besuki city center
0.5 kmIn radius 0.5 km from Besuki city center
1 kmIn radius 1 km from Besuki city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from Besuki city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from Besuki city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from Besuki city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from Besuki city center
50 kmIn radius 50 km from Besuki city center
75 kmIn radius 75 km from Besuki city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from Besuki city center
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