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Menu highlights from Cafe Lé ma

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Regarding the price/quality ratio, opinions seem to be divided. Some customers find the food to be overpriced while others believe it's worth the cost for a special treat. The quality of the food is generally good, but there have been some negative comments about specific dishes.
  • Rib Fillet

    - reviewers describe it as a masterpiece, making it a must-try.
  • - known for its delicious hollandaise sauce, this dish is praised by multiple visitors.
  • - another dish that was specifically mentioned and enjoyed by a customer.
  • Breakfast Burger

    - it's loved by customers, especially when paired with coffee.
  • - described as the best in Rockhampton, it's an excellent choice for seafood lovers.
  • - frequently praised for its excellent taste, it's a favorite among many visitors.
  • - perfect for a quick snack or dessert, especially when combined with their delicious coffee.