Warung Cak Fatih
#1 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Ayam Tulang Lunak “MbokMu” Cabang Candi
#2 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 9PM
Kedai kangen
#3 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 11PM
Bakso H. Sukiyo
#4 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 10PM
Depot Sederhana I
#5 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 9PM
Soto Sokaraja Kang Roy (Warung Mbokmu)
#6 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 6PM
#7 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Closed until 3PM
Jagung simanis
#8 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 8:30PM
iChicken X Boba
#9 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 9:30PM
Gerai Virny
#10 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 10PM
Warung Buk Ar Candi Sidoarjo
#11 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open now
Ika kuliner
#12 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Angkringan Sego Receh
#13 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Pangsit mie ayam (cak Ran)
#14 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Closed until 8:30PM
Teh Tubruk DJ Gelam Candi
#15 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 8PM
RM Kapau Masakan Padang
#16 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Pentol Rea Reo
#17 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Tahu Bakso "Yuk Mey"
#18 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 9PM
#19 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 1PM
Home Candi Putra Industri
#20 of 27 restaurants in Candi
Open until 8PM
#6 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Closed until 3PM
Soto Sokaraja Kang Roy (Warung Mbokmu)
#3 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 6PM
Nanistika Homemade Bakery
#5 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 9PM
Bubur Bayi Sehat "MAHISA"
#15 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Closed until tomorrow
Ika kuliner
#19 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Gerai Roti-kue-donat
#41 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 9PM
Angkringan Danabrata
#1 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Closed until 6PM
Kedai kangen
#2 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 11PM
Soto Sokaraja Kang Roy (Warung Mbokmu)
#3 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 6PM
Warung Cak Fatih
#4 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Nanistika Homemade Bakery
#5 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 9PM
#6 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Closed until 3PM
Ayam Tulang Lunak “MbokMu” Cabang Candi
#7 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 9PM
Bakso H. Sukiyo
#8 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 10PM
#9 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Depot Sederhana I
#10 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 9PM
Warkop KAIRO
#11 of 51 places to eat in Candi
#12 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 10PM
iChicken X Boba
#13 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 9:30PM
Jagung simanis
#14 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 8:30PM
Bubur Bayi Sehat "MAHISA"
#15 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Closed until tomorrow
Gerai Virny
#16 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 10PM
Bos Juice MPR
#18 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 10PM
Ika kuliner
#19 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Angkringan Sego Receh
#20 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Warung Kopi
#21 of 51 places to eat in Candi
Open until 11PM

Pubs & bars in Candi

Bos Juice MPR
#1 of 2 pubs & bars in Candi
Open until 10PM
Warkop Bar-Q
#2 of 2 pubs & bars in Candi
Open until 1AM
Ika kuliner
#1 of 7 fast food in Candi
Pangsit mie ayam (cak Ran)
#2 of 7 fast food in Candi
Closed until 8:30PM
Kedai kangen
#3 of 7 fast food in Candi
Open until 11PM
#4 of 7 fast food in Candi
Closed until 3PM
Depot Sederhana I
#5 of 7 fast food in Candi
Open until 9PM

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0.2 kmIn radius 0.2 km from Candi city center
0.5 kmIn radius 0.5 km from Candi city center
1 kmIn radius 1 km from Candi city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from Candi city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from Candi city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from Candi city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from Candi city center
50 kmIn radius 50 km from Candi city center
75 kmIn radius 75 km from Candi city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from Candi city center
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