Duck liver terrine with Blackcurrant, Red fruits, Pickles and Milk jelly with Gingerbread36.0
Green Acquerello Risotto with Frog’s legs and Burgundy Snails in a mild Garlic cream sauce42.0
Poached Egg with Girolles, Broad Beans, Almonds, Jabugo and Summer Truffle43.0
Ceviche of Sea bass marinated, Citrus and Condiments44.0
Marinated Truit with Salish Salt, Potatoes with Daurenki Tsar Caviar and Pine Bud47.0
Poached Plaice with Shellfish, Lemon risotto and Spider Crab Sauce44.0
Red Mullet, Vegetables spaghetti with Safran, braised Octopus and Mussels and Fish soup45.0
Roasted Turbot in a Seaweeds butter, Spinach Ravioli, Girolles and Almonds57.0
Blue Lobster with Stuffed Zucchini flower, Coconut and Coriander Lobster sauce62.0
Menus of restaurants nearby
Roasted fillet of Charolais Beef, Bone Marrow, Carrots, Soufflé Potatoes and Daube sauce with Citrus49.0
Saddle of Lamb, Ricotta Gnocchi, Crunchy Salad with Parma Ham and Marjoram sauce53.0
Roasted Pigeon with Grué of Cocoa, Beetroots and Turnips in a Salmi sauce with Blackcurrant Ketchup54.0
Stuffed Loin of Veal with Calf Sweetbreads, Vegetables, dried Tomatoes and Summer Truffle59.0
Caramelized millefeuille, Coconut Cream, Pineaaple and Pepper ice cream18.0
Chocolate Tartlet, Apricot compot with Almonds and Chocolate sorbet18.0
Chibouste cream with Pistachio nuts, Rasberries and Griotte sorbet18.0
Wild Strawberries pancake with Rhubarb and Strawberry sorbet18.0
Warm Grand Marnier Souffle with Blood Orange sorbet18.0