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Menu highlights from Il Marinaio In Darsena Fiumicino

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most users find the prices to be average or more than fair for the quality and freshness of the food. However, a few users found it to be pricey for the portion sizes.
  • - highly recommended by multiple users, this dish is known for its authenticity and high quality ingredients.
  • Fried Food

    - crunchy and of excellent quality, the fried food at this restaurant is worth trying.
  • Scialatielli with Seafood

    - a special mention was given to this dish, indicating it's a standout on the menu.
  • - this dish is praised for its freshness and quality.
  • Tasting of the Appetizer

    - recommended for those who want to try a variety of flavors.
  • Courgette Stuffed with Tuna

    - an innovative dish that adds color to the menu.
  • Desserts and Liqueurs

    - delicious end to a meal, offering a sweet finish.