If you appear to be near Cairns Library, you can go to this restaurant. Thai cuisine under the direction of the great chef is wonderful at this place. To taste nicely cooked Tom yum, chicken pad thai and king prawns is a really nice idea. You will hardly forget good wine that you can degust. A collection of delicious thai iced tea, ice tea or iced coffee is recommended to visitors.
IMM THAI CAFE with takeaway dishes is suitable for those guests who like to eat on the go. Modern decor lets the visitors relax. This place scored 4.5 in the Google rating system.
SundaySun | 11AM-2PM 5PM-8:30PM |
MondayMon | 11AM-2PM 5PM-8:30PM |
TuesdayTue | 11AM-2PM 5PM-8:30PM |
WednesdayWed | 11AM-2PM 5PM-8:30PM |
ThursdayThu | 11AM-2PM 5PM-8:30PM |
FridayFri | 11AM-2PM 5PM-8:30PM |
SaturdaySat | 11AM-2PM 5PM-8:30PM |