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Menu highlights from Good people bar

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as excellent.
  • Cocktails

    - the restaurant has a good selection of cocktails and a tasty menu.
  • Herring with potatoes and mustard

    - a traditional Russian dish that is highly recommended by the reviewers.
  • Dumplings (Ушки)

    - this dish received a perfect score from one of the reviewers.
  • Warm salad with chicken liver

    - highly praised by the reviewers.
  • Business lunch for 350 rubles

    - includes a drink, bread, a main course with a salad, and a first course.
  • Russian-style rolls

    - described as "the bomb" by one of the reviewers.
  • "Hot pan" dish

    - one reviewer claimed it was the best in the city.
  • Fish dishes

    - particularly recommended by one of the reviewers.
  • Ribs with cranberry sauce and potatoes with greens

    - highly recommended by one of the reviewers.
  • - despite the small selection, the beer is fresh and tasty according to the reviewers.