A unique place where tea lovers, and those who are about to become one, can find more than 250 types of the highest quality teas from Japan, China, Sri Lanka, India, South Africa... In the rich offer you can find pure teas in the list, as first-class blends that they stand out with exotic tastes and smells of nature, from distant parts of the planet, and each of the teas has its own characteristic aroma, and at the same time a positive effect on health, for which the teas are known all over the world. In addition to teas, customers in the House of Tea can also find equipment for proper preparation, serving and testing them, and receive expert advice or suggestions from educated staff. The attractiveness and uniqueness of our dishes and accessories for tea, as well as the teas themselves, are the reason why our dear customers often choose them as gifts for their loved ones, family and friends. Join us now on an exciting, inspiring and informative journey to discover the world of 100% natural, EU certified products, where we will spread the culture of making and drinking tea together with you.