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L'Altra Botte

Ostriche - Oysters
Antipasti Mare - Crudo - Raw Seafood Appetizers
Antipasti Mare - Cotto / Cooked Seafood Appetizers
Primi Piatti Mare / First Course of Fish
Pescato del Giorno / Catch of the Day
Secondi di Mare / From the Sea
Antipasti di Terra / Appetizers - Land
Primi Piatti Terra / First Courses - Land
Per chi non... For those who do not eat fish
Secondi di Carne - Mains - Meat
I Nostri Impasti - Our Dough
Pizze Tradizionali - Traditional Pizza
Pizze Gourmet - Gourmet Pizza
Pizze Gourmet Bianche & Focacce
Birre Artigianali
Ristorante l'Altra Botte menu
The restaurant information including the Ristorante l'Altra Botte menu items and prices may have been modified since the last website update. You are free to download the Ristorante l'Altra Botte menu files.