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Menu highlights from Cantina Mazzotti Restaurant Wine Bar

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as very reasonable and honest. The food portions are generous and the quality of food and wine is above the norm.
  • - excellent and perfect for breakfast.
  • Fregola

    - highly recommended, always fresh and served in generous portions.
  • Octopus with Onion Sauce

    - spectacular and delicious dish.
  • - one of the best, highly recommended.
  • Pasta with Meat

    - very delicious, worth trying.
  • - very good, recommended by the owner Stephano.
  • Fish Dishes

    - excellent quality at very reasonable prices.
  • Pasta with Seafood

    - comes with three halves of crab each, huge portions and great taste.
  • - excellent selection, above the norm quality.