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Menu highlights from Le Bistroquet De La Dame

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as excellent, noting that the food is well worth the cost and the service is impeccable.
  • Menu of the Day

    - for just 21€ at lunch, this selection offers an array of delicious dishes that won't disappoint.
  • Local Products

    - the restaurant uses fresh, local ingredients in their dishes, which are prepared with subtlety and originality.
  • Beef Pavé

    - this dish was particularly mentioned as a delight from start to finish.
  • Wine Pairings

    - the recommended wine pairings are perfect and local.
  • Children's Menu

    - generous and very affordable options for younger guests.
  • Desserts

    - the reviews suggest that the desserts are not to be missed, with one user even mentioning having dessert and coffee outside.

Dishes and drinks in Le Bistroquet De La Dame