Taste Chinese cuisine here. If hungry, come here for nicely cooked Dim sum. This restaurant provides tasty parfait and good beignets. Take your chance to taste delicious wine.
Most people highlight that the staff is patient at this place. Fine service is a strong point that plays a great role for the success of Le Jardin Impérial. You will certainly like the homey ambiance and fancy decor. The average score of this place on Google is 4.3.
SundaySun | 12PM-2PM 7PM-10PM |
MondayMon | 12PM-2PM 7PM-10PM |
TuesdayTue | Closed |
WednesdayWed | Closed |
ThursdayThu | 12PM-2PM 7PM-10PM |
FridayFri | 12PM-2PM 7PM-10PM |
SaturdaySat | 12PM-2PM 7PM-10PM |