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Menu highlights from Los Amigos Market

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price-quality ratio seems to vary. Some customers found the food to be very affordable, with a substantial amount of food costing only $5. However, others experienced a significant price increase from $7 to $32 for two plates. Despite the inconsistency in pricing, the quality of the food is consistently praised.
  • - highly recommended by several reviewers as the best in Lowell. It's affordable, plentiful, and delicious.
  • - a staple of the restaurant that some customers have eaten for a week straight.
  • - a surprise find for one customer who was looking for a lunch with good portions. It turned out to be delicious.
  • Spanish Fare

    - includes options such as steak, chicken, tostones, and rice, all cooked to order. The Spanish food here is considered excellent.
  • - paired with rice and beans, this dish was mentioned as being quick and great.
  • - another quick and great option mentioned by a customer.
  • Deli Counter Buffet

    - offers a variety of Portuguese dishes, including meat, carbs, and some interesting fried options.