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Menu highlights from Chriza Stube

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as excellent, considering the restaurant's large portions, tasty food, and fair prices. The total cost for 10 people can be less than 300€, which is considered a great deal.
  • - a highly recommended dish for seafood lovers, known for its freshness and taste.
  • - a daily special that is always delicious and well-prepared.
  • - the food is very tasty, especially this traditional French dish.
  • Rump Steak with Herb Butter, Fries and Salad

    - a super delicious dish that combines quality meat with fresh sides.
  • Marrow Dumpling Soup

    - a nostalgic dish that tastes just like grandma used to make.
  • Tarts/Cakes

    - beautifully presented desserts served on a large mirror, definitely worth trying.
  • Special Birthday Plate

    - includes cake, cream puffs, donuts and fresh fruit. A lovely surprise for anyone celebrating a birthday.
  • Putenschnitzel with Fries and Salad

    - a large portion of tender, warm meat served with fresh salad.
  • Flammkuchen and Picon Beer

    - available from 17:02 onwards, these are affordable and authentic offerings from the French owner.