Mexican cuisine is provided at this restaurant. Here you will be able to order nicely cooked salsa & chips, beef and chili. A lot of visitors order delicious beer.
The intimate atmosphere of Murillo's on Merchant allows guests to relax after a hard working day. Most users state that the staff is knowledgeable. Cool service is something clients like here. Pay attractive prices for eating at this place. Based on the users' feedback on Google, this spot deserved 4.3.
SundaySun | 11AM-8PM |
MondayMon | 11AM-8PM |
TuesdayTue | 11AM-8PM |
WednesdayWed | 11AM-8PM |
ThursdayThu | 11AM-8PM |
FridayFri | 11AM-8PM |
SaturdaySat | 11AM-8PM |