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Menu highlights from Ole Times Country Buffet

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant seems to be average according to the reviews. While some customers found the food delicious and well-priced, others felt it was bland and not worth the cost.
  • - despite some negative reviews, the fried fish was mentioned as the best thing on the menu by one user.
  • Small Fried Shrimp

    - it was highlighted as the best part of the buffet by a reviewer.
  • Creamed Corn

    - this dish was also mentioned as one of the highlights of the buffet.
  • Bread Pudding

    - one review mentioned it as the best they've ever had, noting the perfect amount of spice and cinnamon.
  • Chocolate Pudding with Brownie

    - this dessert was appreciated by a reviewer's grandson.
  • - one user noted the lemonade was good.