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Menu highlights from Ovino Brace Bene Fratelli

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio is generally perceived as excellent, although a couple of reviewers noted a recent price increase. Some found it a bit expensive for Turin, but still worth it.
  • - these are highly recommended by multiple visitors, with one claiming they are simply the best in town.
  • - the pizza at Ovino is praised for its perfect dough and a variety of brilliant toppings. A few specific recommendations include the Parmigiana and Carbonara pizzas.
  • - many reviewers rave about the burgers, with one stating that Ovino serves one of the best burgers in Turin.
  • Roasts

    - the roasts, especially the sheep's roasts, are said to be excellent.
  • - the chili, particularly the chili di pecora (sheep's chili), comes highly recommended.
  • - the sandwiches have been described as excellent.
  • Desserts

    - the desserts, including the cheesecake, are worth trying according to reviews.
  • Drinks

    - a fresh beer is suggested as a good accompaniment to the food.