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Menu highlights from Restaurant Pfalzkeller

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The opinions on the price/quality ratio are mixed. Some customers found it to be top, while others were disappointed with the quality of the food for the price they paid.
  • - this dessert has been praised by the visitors for its delightful taste.
  • - despite some negative reviews, there were also positive ones. It seems the quality of the pizza can vary, but it's worth trying.
  • Salad with Roastbeef

    - a visitor found this dish to be amazing and considered it a good value for money.
  • Baked Sheep Cheese

    - this appetizer was mentioned as very tasty.
  • Tagliatelle with Pork Fillet Tips

    - a skeptical customer was satisfied with this dish.
  • Bruscetta

    - although it didn't impress all customers, it might be worth trying.