Restaurante La Fragua
#1 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 11AM
Restaurante Casa Cuartel
#2 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 12AM
#3 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 1PM
La Taberna de Dani
#4 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 12:30PM
Bar La Báscula
Bar La Báscula €€€
#5 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 12AM
El Zagüán
El Zagüán €€€
#6 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 3PM
Los Arcos
Los Arcos €€€
#7 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 2:30AM
Cafe Bar El Tapeo
Cafe Bar El Tapeo €€€
#8 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 12AM
Asador MaxiPollo San Vicente
#9 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 11AM
Café-Bar Gordillo
#10 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 1AM
Dani corner
Dani corner €€€
#11 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 1AM
Bar El Nido
Bar El Nido €€€
#12 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 11PM
Cafetería El Recreo
#13 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
May be permanently closed
Kiosko La Nora Sofía
#14 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Setentayocho Café
#15 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
May be permanently closed
El Copón Café Cocktail By Goyo López
#16 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 4PM
Medio Punto Bar-restaurante
#17 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 1AM
Bar La Piscina
#18 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Temporarily closed
#19 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 4PM
Terraza Bar El Parque
#20 of 25 restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Asador MaxiPollo San Vicente
#16 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 11AM
Panadería Ramírez S.L.
#21 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Panificadora Salpico Rato C B
#22 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 2PM
Dulcería -Pastelería "La Abuela"
#28 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 2PM
El Horno de las Cabeceras
#32 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
#36 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 4PM
La Manduca
La Manduca €€
#37 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
May be permanently closed
tommy heladeria-panaderia
#39 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Temporarily closed
Bar Pechuga
Bar Pechuga €€€
#12 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 1:30AM
Dani corner
Dani corner €€€
#1 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 1AM
Café-Bar Gordillo
#2 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 1AM
Restaurante La Fragua
#3 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 11AM
Bar "El Litri"
Bar "El Litri" €€€
#4 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 12PM
#6 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 1PM
Bar La Báscula
Bar La Báscula €€€
#8 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 12AM
El Zagüán
El Zagüán €€€
#9 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 3PM
Kiosko La Nora Sofía
#10 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Restaurante Casa Cuartel
#14 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 12AM
La Barrita de Josete
#15 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 1PM
Asador MaxiPollo San Vicente
#16 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 11AM
Setentayocho Café
#19 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
May be permanently closed
Los Arcos
Los Arcos €€€
#23 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 2:30AM
Dulcería -Pastelería "La Abuela"
#28 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 2PM
#36 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Open until 4PM
La Manduca
La Manduca €€
#37 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
May be permanently closed
Súper doner kebab
#40 of 47 places to eat in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 1PM

Pizza restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara

CAFE BAR El Mordisquito
#1 of 2 pizza restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Asador MaxiPollo San Vicente
#2 of 2 pizza restaurants in San Vicente de Alcántara
Closed until 11AM

Restaurant features in San Vicente de Alcántara

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0.2 kmIn radius 0.2 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
0.5 kmIn radius 0.5 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
1 kmIn radius 1 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
50 kmIn radius 50 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
75 kmIn radius 75 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from San Vicente de Alcántara city center
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