You can go to this restaurant if you happen to be near Le Cordon Bleu Mexico. Mexican dishes are to be tried here. A number of people have noticed that you can order good laing, monkfish and enchiladas here.
The courteous staff works hard, stays positive and makes this place great. Professional service is something that visitors highlight in their reviews. Most reviewers think that prices are average for what you receive. The atmosphere of this place is lovely. Toks scored 4.3 in the Google rating system.
SundaySun | Closed |
MondayMon | 7AM-6PM |
TuesdayTue | 7AM-6PM |
WednesdayWed | 7AM-6PM |
ThursdayThu | 7AM-6PM |
FridayFri | 7AM-6PM |
SaturdaySat | Closed |