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Menu highlights from Trattoria G.Lupi

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviews indicate that the prices might be slightly above average, but the quality of the food is highly appreciated. Some customers find the prices high for what is offered, while others think they are honest considering the quality.
  • - highly praised by multiple visitors for its excellent preparation.
  • - mentioned as one of the best ever eaten by a customer, definitely worth trying.
  • Fresh Fish

    - the freshness of the fish served is appreciated by customers.
  • Bortelline

    - one of the best found according to a customer, but only available on Saturdays.
  • - tasty and light, presented in a very original way.
  • Dessert

    - not specified which one, but mentioned as delicious.
  • - the restaurant has a sufficient selection of wines.