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Best knödel in Brunn an der Schneebergbahn restaurants

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0.2 kmIn radius 0.2 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
0.5 kmIn radius 0.5 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
1 kmIn radius 1 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
50 kmIn radius 50 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
75 kmIn radius 75 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from Brunn an der Schneebergbahn city center
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The recipe of this dish in most cases the same: first prepare a special dough (from flour, potatoes, cottage cheese, etc.) and form small balls with or without filling. After that, they are boiled in water until cooked.

Serve dumplings with a variety of products - with sauces, broths, vegetable side dishes, fried onions, sour cream, and fresh herbs. They are also often put in a meat goulash or soup.