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Best steaks in San Vicente de la Barquera restaurants

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0.2 kmIn radius 0.2 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
0.5 kmIn radius 0.5 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
1 kmIn radius 1 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
50 kmIn radius 50 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
75 kmIn radius 75 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from San Vicente de la Barquera city center
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A steak is a a slice of high-quality beef that is grilled or pan-fried. It is distinguished by strong flavor and an awesome smell of smoke.

Steak is great with just a dash of salt and pepper, however, you can also add dried herbs, olive oil, lemon juice, or garlic.