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Menu highlights from The Old Station

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most users found the prices to be reasonable and the food to be of good quality, suggesting a positive price/quality ratio. However, a couple of reviews mentioned subpar food and service, indicating that there may be some inconsistency in quality.
  • - multiple reviews mention the high quality of the breakfast at this café, making it a must-try dish.
  • - these were specifically mentioned as being delicious, so they're definitely worth sampling.
  • - the cakes were highly praised for their taste, making them a must-try dessert option.
  • - many reviewers complimented the coffee, suggesting that it's a great beverage choice.
  • Pork Cob

    - this was mentioned as a lunch item available at the café, and might be worth trying.
  • Big Breakfast with 12 items

    - one user specifically mentioned this dish, indicating that it might be a filling and satisfying option.